Apple has made its mark on the world. More than 2.2 billion iPhones have been sold to date, upending the entire smartphone market. The company not only created a world-class hardware and software product but also introduced a cultural paradigm regarding mobile phones. Indeed, with the advent of the iPhone, society started viewing the cell phone as a part of the human body—to the point of experiencing a sense of disorientation and loss without the presence of a phone at all times.
The company has since expanded far beyond just the original iPhone and has created an entire ecosystem of applications and software. Specifically, Apple has made incredible strides in the realm of healthcare, especially with regard to its hardware.
One of the company’s most celebrated achievements is its electrocardiogram (ECG) feature. The ECG application “records an electrocardiogram which represents the electrical pulses that make your heart beat. The ECG app checks these pulses to get your heart rate and see if the upper and lower chambers of your heart are in rhythm. If they’re out of rhythm, that could be AFib [atrial fibrillation].” The ECG is one of the most utilized tests in emergency departments internationally. The value of this test is incredible, as it can potentially elucidate a variety of cardiac pathologies. Indeed, this is one of Apple’s most important and impactful additions to the world of healthcare.
Apple has continued to create an entire ecosystem around healthcare through its “Health” app,” which helps “organize your important health information and make it easy to access in a central and secure place.” Specifically, “Health puts important information at your fingertips, including your health records, medications, labs, activity, and sleep. and makes it simple to securely share that information.” [Additionally, the app] collects health and fitness data from your iPhone, the built-in sensors on your Apple Watch, compatible third-party devices, and apps that use HealthKit.” Most importantly, “The Health app is built to keep data secure and protect your privacy.” “Your data is encrypted and you are always in control of your health information.”