During the Microsoft AI Tour event in Bengaluru, a select developer showcase was hosted by the company to give an overview of how developers in India are discovering opportunities in AI (artificial intelligence) to solve real-world challenges.
India is a country with the transformative power of what we can do for some of the most complex challenges when it comes to education, to healthcare, to things which are happening with language barriers, they can really be simplified. And you can go to the grassroot levels to create citizen-scale solutions,” said Irina Ghose, managing director,
Microsoft India.On the skilling front, Microsoft has initiatives such as Code Without Barriers and AI Odyssey, that Microsoft chairman and CEO Satya Nadella spoke about during his keynote speech on Thursday morning. In January, Microsoft enabled 100,000 developers to advance their careers in AI through its AI Odyssey initiative. It allowed participants to take the first step towards becoming a subject matter expert in AI by learning new skills and earning Microsoft credentials.