The audiobook follows the launch of the book in September through which physician-turned-healthcare marketer Harshit Jain MD is aiming to prepare marketers and point-of-care platforms for the next way to effectively reach and engage healthcare professionals (HCPs) on online platforms.
‘The Next Marketing-To Healthcare Professionals’ focusses on POC channels becoming a crucial component for engaging HCPs with relevant information, and how customizing messaging with data-driven insights can significantly improve interactions with them. Harshit examines in his book the very transformation in the pharma marketing ecosystem and shares his marketing acumen to optimize communication initiatives to prescribers.
With the audiobook, marketers and platforms get the understanding of using an all-inclusive approach in POC messaging to support providers in achieving better health outcomes for their patients.
“Working on some award-winning marketing and advertising campaigns, I have always believed in the power of ‘Simple Communications’. Gauging the growing appetite of our audience for industry-knowledge on audio platforms, it was a good idea to have an easy-to-understand audiobook for the audience. With the audiobook, I hope to prepare pharma marketers with the NEXT way of communicating effectively with HCPs